Welcome to the official website of the Town of Stockton Springs!
We are a coastal community in Waldo County, Maine of approximately 1,600 residents. We are located between Belfast and Bucksport on Coastal US 1; just south of the impressive Penobscot Narrows Bridge. We are home to Fort Point State Park, Sandy Point Beach Park, and Stockton Harbor.

Greetings! Welcome to our website! We hope you will find it easy to navigate and informative.
Learn some local history, take advantage of services, and learn what's new! Should you have questions, please call the Town Office.

Check out these Community Related Sites:
Stockton Springs Community Library
Trash & Recycling
Trash -- Picked up curbside every Friday and must be curbside by 7 AM.
Recycling -- Picked up the second and forth Thursday of every month and must be curbside by 7 am.
E-waste -- Accepted at the Town Garage on the last Saturday of every month from 9AM to Noon.