Zoning Board of Appeals:

The Land Use Board of Appeals reviews, hears, and decides appeals where it is alleged there is a violation or error made by the code enforcement officer in the enforcement of the Land Use Ordinance. The Board also hears appeals for Variances for property that does not meet the limitations set by the Land Use Ordinance.


Board of Assessment Review:

The Board of Assessment Review is responsible for reviewing appeals of decisions made by the Assessor or Select Board, such as applications for abatements of property taxes, and makes determinations with respect to assessments in accordance with the general laws of the State of Maine.


Planning Board:

The Planning Board is responsible for reviewing Planning Board applications and approval of site plans, subdivision applications, proposed changes to the Land Use Ordinance and advise the Select Board and review any matter referred to the Board by the Select Board or Code Enforcement Officer


Parks Committee:

The Parks Committee members typically volunteer their time to assist with cleaning up and maintaining the hiking trails as well as maintenance of the Town Office and Town Square gardens.


Cemetery Committee:

The Cemetery Committee volunteer their time cleaning up the town owned cemeteries (mowing is completed by the Public Works Dept.)


Recycling Committee:

The Recycling Committee volunteer their time spreading the word of the importance of recycling as well as educating the public about current recycling guidelines.


Shellfish Committee:

The Shellfish Committee is responsible for working with the Department of Marine Resources to establish the number of shellfish licenses to be issued, reviewing the status of shellfish resources and working with the Department of Marine Resources to implement a plan of conservation measure.

The committee also recommends conservation closures and openings to the Town Manager in conjunction with Area Biologists from the Department of Marine Resources; and submitting an annual report of license sales and committee activities to the Department of Marine Resources.