Code Enforcement

The Code Enforcement Office consists of one part-time Code Enforcement Officer (CEO), who also serves as the Town's building inspector, plumbing inspector, and addressing officer. The CEO serves as the primary source for local building and land use regulation information and permitting assistance.

If you have questions about a project you would like to do, please contact the CEO ahead of time to ensure proper compliance. Please be aware that the CEO is sometimes out of the office conducting inspections and other business. Please call ahead.

Stockton Springs Zoning Ordinance outlines the rules for building in Stockton Springs. A building permit is required before any construction project begins. It is always a good idea to check with the Code Enforcement Officer before starting any project.


You need a building permit:

  • Change of Use
  • For construction of an addition
  • Activities listed in the Schedule of Uses
  • Any earth-moving or other improvements in the Shoreland Zone or Floodplain
  • Structures accessory to Permit Use

If your building project is within 250' of a water body, a Shoreland application is required.


Helpful Links:

Code Related Applications & Forms

Land Use Maps


Septic System Permit Search