Regular Pick up: Trash is picked up curbside EVERY FRIDAY and must be curbside by 7 AM. 

Trash stickers are no longer necessary.  

There are two "special" pick up days for debris such as wood, appliances, etc. They are the third Saturday in May and October. Proper notice of acceptable items will be posted a month prior. 

Motor oil, transmission fluid, cardboard, etc. is readily accepted at the Town Garage during normal business hours.



Zero-Sort Recycling is picked up the second and forth Thursday of every month. It must be curbside by 7 am. Recycling in plastic bags will NOT be picked up. Recycling must be "loose" in a container, preferably a "trash" can with a lid. 

A cardboard only dumpster is available at the Town Garage during normal business hours.



Saturday, May 18, 2024
Saturday, October 19, 2024
7 A.M. Curbside
Beginning October, 2020, the Town has combined both spring and fall clean up items to be collected both in October and May of each year.  Please see updated list below.

Acceptable Items:

Metals and white goods, wood and furniture, floor coverings, and plastics. All items must be free of liquids, i.e.: petroleum, antifreeze, water, or oils.  Any metal, for example:  Stoves, refrigerators and freezers (doors must be removed or secured), microwaves, toasters, vacuum cleaners, radios, speakers, blenders, washers, dryers, metal or plastic gutters and gutter pipes, tin, bed springs, box springs, frames, headboards, mattresses, bicycle frames. Wood is Limited to one pile no bigger than 3ft x 3ft x 3ft and single pieces no longer than 3 feet. Stuffed chairs, couches, and other stuffed furniture, wood furniture, window frames with or without glass, porcelain (sinks, toilets, etc) rugs, linoleum, plastic (toys, lawn furniture, garden hose, etc)


Unacceptable Items:

Sheetrock, asphalt shingles, televisions, propane bottles, brush, branches, garden or lawn debris.

Tires; small quantities of rimless tires no bigger than 16” can be put out with trash on Fridays.

Televisions and computer monitors are not acceptable items for Spring/Fall Clean-Up, but they can be taken to the Town Garage on the last Saturday of each month from 9-noon for Universal Waste Drop Off Day.




The last Saturday of each month is Universal Waste Drop Off Day at the Town Garage from 9AM to noon. Stockton Springs residents can dispose of the following items:

  •        Computers, printers, modems, hard drives, monitors, televisions, DVD, VCR players, Air conditioners, scanners,  fax machines, tablets, microwaves, keyboards, mice, and electronics.
  •        Fluorescent lamps, coated lamps, crushed lamps, U-lamps, HID lamps.
  •        Batteries, cell phones
  •        Ballasts, mercury containing devices
  •        Waste oil, gas, transmission fluid, and fryer oil

If you are unsure of an item, or have any questions, you can call the Town Garage at 567-3408.


At this time the Town Office WILL NOT be accepting ink cartridges, eye glasses, cell phones, or batteries.

Please have all items curbside, within 5 feet of the road surface, by 7A.M.

Questions? Call the Town Office at 567-3404 or

Pinkerton & Sons Disposal at 338-8330